Dental Conditions

General information on common dental conditions. Only a dentist can determine your diagnosis.

Dental Abscesses
Dental Abscesses

An abscess is an infection caused when certain types of bacteria get inside your tooth. Your body fights this by increasing blood flow to the tooth, causing pressure and intense pain. Abscesses can cause serious problems if left untreated.

Periodontal Disease
Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease starts where your teeth meet the gums. Poor oral hygiene can lead to gingivitis, where gums become red and swollen. If untreated, it becomes periodontitis, which can lead to bone loss, loose teeth, and the loss of teeth. Periodontal bacteria can also enter the bloodstream, increasing risks of strokes and heart issues.

Tooth Decay
Tooth Decay

Most tooth decay starts between teeth or in the deep grooves of back teeth. Bacterial plaque accumulates along gums and between teeth, leading to decay and gum disease. Untreated decay can reach the nerve, causing pain and infections.

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